Population: 44799 Danlí inhabitants are a prosperous city of Honduras, in the department the Paradise, to 92 kilometers of the Tegucigalpa capital, person in charge of most of the national maize production. To be surrounded by loaded hills of green pine, the City of the Colinas.Danlí has been denominated him has obtained a great international acceptance thanks to the celebration of the Festival of the Maize, in the month of August. The event includes sales of crafts, parades of floats, contests of art, roundups, sport competitions v carnivals, that turn to the place into a gigantic typical celebration. The local historians %u2014entre they Luis Hernán Seville and Darío González%u2014 maintain that Danlí was based between the years 1676 and 1678Recibió the title of city %u2014junto to other important Honduran cities like Santa Rosa de Copán and Ocotepeque%u2014 the 12 of April of 1843, when this municipality belonged to the department of Olancho. The old woman buildings are part of their history after 164 years of to have received from the Supreme Government the honorable title of city. In 1983, during the edilicia management of Santiago Montoya Fertile valley, 150.º was celebrated anniversary of to have received the title of city, later the event fell in the forgetfulness. In the 2002 House of the Culture %u2014que directs to professor Karen Dubois%u2014celebraró the anniversary n.º 159 with a solemn act during which it became special reconnaissances to distinguished citizens. According to documents found by the missing danlidense historian Luis Hernán Seville, in 1678 and the 1679 brothers Pedro and Alonso Ortiz de Fúnez, were of heirs by death of their father, of a stay populated in “loose” earth (without owner), Danlí call, running this earth by the part of the west by the property San Antonio of the Vallecillo, pertaining to sergeant Antonio Ricardo Rodríguez.Según establishes the Seville historian, the Fúnez brothers had desire to legalize earth with Corona pertaining to the jurisdiction of the Real one of Mines of Tegucigalpa, to six tostones by cavalry. In 1678 July sergeant Rodriguez expresses that in these earth there is no seeded population nor, that are mountainous and impassable and of little advantage. The sale of this site, five cavalries legalized in Guatemala the 22 of February of 1679, paying to Pedro and 60 Alonso tostones, that is 12 tostones by cavalry. The founders of the Property of Danlí had four brothers. In manuscripts of 1690 and 1691 gift Bartholomew de Escoto and other Spaniards they give account of which in the new Danlí population, they have listed watchtowers, and that this Danlí, is made up of a church and four straw houses and estanzuelas of cattle. Its flag consists of three horizaontales strips, of green color (agriculture) on target (purity) on brown (hospitality). The official bird is zanate (Cassidix mexicanus), that is a black bird with conical head. Milpas damages much (maize plantations) just seeded it unearths, them and it eats them. According to Membreño, the male is called “bugler” or “clarinero”. The name comes from Nahuatl tzanatl (according to Membreño) or tsanat (according to Rivas). Also it is called tordo and knife. The official flower is napoleón. The official mammal is the Congo monkey, or howling monkey (a creature in extinction danger) that it is in the Apaguiz mountains and ApapuertaEl official tree is the jiñicuado one, whose scientific name in Latin is (Bursera sima *** has acquired fame by his " Festival of the Maíz" celebrated in the month of August during which parades of floats are realised. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. (22 February 2008) the city of more well-known Danlí like " city of colinas" one is 92 Kilometers of the capital and has between his attractive strolls like the spa " The Arcos" , " Hill San Cristóbal" and " Stone of the Apaguitz". Its church of colonial time owns interesting pieces of sculpture and painting and the old municipal town hall has become the museum of the locality, in which it is possible to appreciate from paleontological pieces to rustic furniture of the properties coloniales.ruba). In Nicaragua jiñocugo is denominated. In Linaca (the Paradise) “naked Indian” is called (in English Naked Indian tree). Also jiñicuite. In Honduras a “tree considers itself prendón” (that is, that easily “catches” if simply a stake in the ground nails), like madriago and the pinion, that is used for posts in the walls, pruning the branches of every year for firewood. According to House and others, jiñocuabo or copón is called. According to Membreño the name comes from Nahuatl jiocuáuitl): “It is remarkable by his entirely smooth trunk and of red ocher color. The decoction of the quick crust much aid against hidropesías, and the scraping of the decorticated trunk serves to stanch the blood of the wounds”. Also ponche with the put crust to boil and a added egg of hen is prepared pleasant. The Secretariat of Natural Resources released to the commerce the Danlí kidney bean, that is a variety of kidney bean (Danlí 46). It has small cases, but each produces six or seven grains. A common food of Danlí is the uproar or sopapo, that is grain of sorghum which they are toasted until they burst.